+31 (0) 78 303 28 67 info@huskmedical.com

Your reliable Medical Supply Chain Partner. 

With our products and services, we form a necessary protective husk around the essential but vulnerable healthcare sector. In doing so, we safeguard availability, advance affordability, and establish equal local partnerships in which tangible value is added to the healthcare sector.   

How we do this? Check out our company animation video below: 

Our history in a nutshell. 

Husk Medical is a Dutch family business, whose first roots go back to 2010. From then on, a global network of customers was served with high-quality medical and pharmaceutical consumer products under the company name 'NashPharma'. Ten years later, the decision was made to establish Husk Medical due to its growing activities in the structural supply of medical and diagnostic consumables to bulk consumers in public and private healthcare. Our products now find their way in dozens of countries worldwide, and we are increasingly active in global healthcare and diagnostics through an extensive network of partners and distributors.

The background of our founders

The founders of Husk Medical have both made their mark in the medical-commercial sector. The experiences in the field of customer service and data management from NashPharma on the one hand are combined with the background in the import and export of medical and diagnostic products on the other, forming a powerful and innovative combination.

In what ways is Husk Medical innovative?

We think and act starting from the healthcare processes of our relationships, and not on the basis of our own products and services. In concrete terms, this means that we ensure that all necessary medical and diagnostic consumables required to carry out the healthcare processes are structurally available against the most optimal pricing. This is the basis for us, as healthcare and diagnostics cannot wait and has to stay affordable.

Medical Supply Chain Partner
That is why we do not call ourselves a medical wholesaler, but use the term Medical Supply Chain Partner (MSCP). In the supply chain we act as the link between manufacturers and end users. We create the necessary breathing space by maintaining specific safety stocks for each relationship. This allows us to absorb the impact of disruptions in the production or logistics chain.

Stock positions
In addition, our role as MSCP allows us to scale quickly in the event of medical or diagnostic emergencies in the countries where we operate, due to our ongoing significant inventory positions.

We also make a tangible contribution to keeping healthcare affordable. Due to our simplified supply chain and our own vision on the absolute necessity of permanently affordable healthcare, we are able to realize structural and significant cost savings for our clients.

Improving efficiency
Finally, we achieve improved efficiency through optimization and standardization. We optimize by introducing relationships to safer, faster or higher-quality ways of working. And we standardize by reducing the quantity of unique products used wherever possible

We enable healthcare

Would you like to know which possibilities and unmatched service we can offer you? We would be happy to discuss this further with you. A standard part of this process involves us sending you an introduction package. This will give you a better idea of the quality and applicability of our products.

Marc-Jan Buwalda Commercial Manager & Co-Founder
Marc-Jan Buwalda

We strive everyday for excellent service that seamlessly meets your requirements.

In addition to supplying our products to fulfill our role as a Medical Supply Chain Partner (MSCP), we provide certain services. In this way we promote correct and safe use of our products from the perspective of patient and user safety. Please find below a summary of our main services:


We have several (former) nurses in our team, and in their role as Product Specialist they provide training for end users. These training courses are necessary for some (more complex) products for safe and correct use. We use our own guidelines for this in which we offer a wide range of options, such as training in accordance with the train-the-trainer principle. We also make a distinction between department-wide training for products that are used widely, and user training for products that are only used by a few in-house specialists.

Test and implementation support 

If you want to test our products first, our Product Specialists also play an important role here. We supervise and coordinate the entire process together with the internal project owners. Here too, our guidelines play an important role in achieving standardized and usable test data. After a successful test, implementation can take place. To this end, we offer the option of guidance in the practical steps required for this, such as logistical conversions.

Refresher Courses

If our products have been used for some time and there is a new group of end users, or if there is a general need for an in-depth session, we offer our Refresher Courses. We present the products in detail, such as the possibilities, differences and applications. This ensures that practical knowledge is brought to the right level and maintained.

Do you want to use our services?

Make sure to contact us to discuss the possibilities for your organization!